Kamis, 01 Agustus 2019

It's Me

    Hello everyone! my name is Muhammad Faiz Habibie,you also can call me Faiz.I live in Bandung especially at jln. Gempol Kulon No. 45,i was born at Surabaya 24 of January 2004,I'm 15 years old,i studied at SMAN 3 Bandung and I'm class X IPS 2.I was from SMP Taruna Bakti,the reason i entered SMAN 3 Bandung was i want to  feel a new atmosphere around me,all my life, i went to private school.My hobby is Sleeping well sometimes i dint like sleeping,but i really like sleeping,i have another hobby i like to do stuff that makes my body moves.I have a brother he's a SMAN 3 Bandung alumni,he graduated in 2017.
    The one who inspire me in my life is my Family,without them i'm nobody, i really love them.Im a really lazy person but if i have intension,i really do my task,im kinda nice to everybody depending on the person.I like my bed and my home.

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