Minggu, 19 Juli 2020

Dialogue sugesstion And Offer

Theme : Student's President Election

one day two student are having a talk in the canteen

J  :  Hi!! how are you doing?
B :  I'm good,how about you?
J  :  I am very good.Did you know that student president election is next mont?
B :  What,How did you know?
J  :  I am part of the OSIS, of course i know silly.
B :  Hehehe, I suggest you be the president.
J  :  Why me?
B :  Because you're my friend and i support you.
J  :  Thank you, do you want to be my campaign manager?
B :  I would love too. Well it seems the bell is ringing we should get to class.
J  :  You're right lets go.
B :  Right behind you.