Minggu, 22 November 2020

Jumat, 16 Oktober 2020

Nicos Weg review

     Nicos Weg is a course about a Spanish young man named Nico who travels to Germany to see his aunt. He ends up losing his bag (with his passport, phone, and aunt's address) at the airport, but is helped by a little girl and her aunt.

    The film was hard to understand cause there was no subtitle so i just only watch a part of the film and the rest i research them in google. from my understanding Nicos weg is pretty fast on the learning side. It takes a lot of patience to understand what he said.

    But overall from what i research I think Nico's is a good man and we have to copy him so we can also be like him always learn from the mistakes he made.

Rabu, 30 September 2020

My Goal and Ambitions

        My goal is to be a good and kind person. How to achieve it? think rationally, dont always look on one side,always think of other's ,know your time and place's. But before you think of other's, i will think about my self first because, everything that i do will make changes to me in the future so, for me being alive is a miracle that many doesn't have. So live the way you like while you still can but always think the future.
        My ambitions is to be wise and be free as possible. My strength is being nice to other people and humble. I think the way of life is be good and kind to other people so you can always be trusted by people around you, find good people that you can trust so you can always depend's on them.

Minggu, 19 Juli 2020

Dialogue sugesstion And Offer

Theme : Student's President Election

one day two student are having a talk in the canteen

J  :  Hi!! how are you doing?
B :  I'm good,how about you?
J  :  I am very good.Did you know that student president election is next mont?
B :  What,How did you know?
J  :  I am part of the OSIS, of course i know silly.
B :  Hehehe, I suggest you be the president.
J  :  Why me?
B :  Because you're my friend and i support you.
J  :  Thank you, do you want to be my campaign manager?
B :  I would love too. Well it seems the bell is ringing we should get to class.
J  :  You're right lets go.
B :  Right behind you.

Senin, 13 April 2020

Video Presentation recount

Out video presentaion about our recount text "Jakarta Flood"
-Khaza Faridz (14)
-Erisca Marcella (10)
-Muhammad Faiz (21)
-Siti Rohimah (32)
-Nuril Arsy (26)
-Cecillia Silvia (5)
-Avni Ardianti (4)

Selasa, 03 Maret 2020

Infographic and recount text

On Wednesday first day in January 2020, floods occurred in Jakarta, Bekasi and Tangerang. The impact of flooding also resulted in disruption of a number of train trips. Such as long-distance trains Bengawan, Gajahwong and others.   The cause of the flood, among others high rainfall, Shallow river, Land is damaged, Bare forest, Irregular settlements

High rainfall is one of the causes of flooding due to very high rainfall pressure on the earth. Around the Jakarta area there are tall buildings or buildings which means the drainage is not smooth so that when rainfall is high the water is difficult to accommodate by drainage so that flooding occurs.

the occurrence of floods due to shallow rivers because before the floods occurred shallow and narrowed the arrival of rainwater with high intensity causing the river to overflow and spread to settlements.

damaged land causing rainwater to be absorbed. prevention efforts namely by 1) Rehabilitation of protected forests 2) rehabilitation of springs

Deforested forest ia a condition where the forest is damaged by human activities that cut down thress to bare. When deforested forest begin to spared to other areas,it makes it diffcult for rainwater to be accomodated by soil for nutrients so that flooding

visually, there is a less positive trend in the form of the environment that some residential areas have begun to shift to become more disorganized besides the newly developed area is also not continuously maintained so that the potential can be a new slum area

Flood disasters are very vulnerable and occur in many regions in our country, for example in Jakarta, Bandung, and other cities. Actually the main cause of flooding is the result of human actions themselves, the most effective way to prevent flooding is by having an attitude or behavior maintain the cleanliness of our environment

Rabu, 15 Januari 2020

story telling

 The Crow and The Eagle.
There lived a crow on a tree top. Everyday he used to watch with utter wonder the acts of an eagle.
The eagle had a nest high up on a mountain. He used to swoop down from there to get hold of a lamb and fly up again and all in one go.
The crow was amazed by the feat of the eagle.And thought he could do that to on his mind.
One day he was so excited that he wanted to imitate the eagle. So up he flew as high as he could. From there he began to swoop down. He came down and down. But alas, he could not control himself. He crashed on the ground and broke his beak.

Question :
1. What is the moral value of the text?
2. What is the main idea of paragraph 4
     a.the crow is jealous
     b.the eagle have a nest high up the mountain
     c.the crow was amazed by the eagle
     d.the eagle is jealous of the crow
3."And thought he could do that too on his mind" The word        he refers to...
4.Synonym of the word "imitate" is?(One day he was so excited that he wanted to imitate the eagle)
5.Antonym of the word "Broke" is?(He crashed on the ground and broke his beak)

Minggu, 12 Januari 2020

My Holiday

last holiday ~ ~

    I just stayed at home nothing so special about it just my normal activities.My activties are praying,eating,playing games,shopping,ordering food,sleeping(on the roof,on the bed,on the floor),playing outside.Sometimes I exercise in the morning around 5 AM after pray subuh,usually i just do some jogs around the neighborhood,but this time i add some home workout.
    Well one time i go to the movie theathre cause i'm bored in home,i watch jembatan its not very good  but just funny, im very glad that i go out my house.
     i really like having holiday because there is no homework so i can relax and not think about school the next day.
    On new year's eve i just TV because i want to see firework there are a lot in the TV,Why there is no firework at my neighborhood?because it was banned.