Selasa, 23 Februari 2021

Procedure Text About How To Insert a Sim Card

 How to Insert Sim Card

Ingredients :
- Sim Card
- Handphone
- Sim Card Ejector

Steps :
1. Prepare the sim card, handphone, and sim card ejector.

2. Open slot the sim card by using the sim card ejector.

3. Put the sim card in the slot.

4. Close to the slot by tapping to inside.

5. wait for a while. and then turn on your phone

6. Handphone is ready to use.

Minggu, 22 November 2020

Jumat, 16 Oktober 2020

Nicos Weg review

     Nicos Weg is a course about a Spanish young man named Nico who travels to Germany to see his aunt. He ends up losing his bag (with his passport, phone, and aunt's address) at the airport, but is helped by a little girl and her aunt.

    The film was hard to understand cause there was no subtitle so i just only watch a part of the film and the rest i research them in google. from my understanding Nicos weg is pretty fast on the learning side. It takes a lot of patience to understand what he said.

    But overall from what i research I think Nico's is a good man and we have to copy him so we can also be like him always learn from the mistakes he made.

Rabu, 30 September 2020

My Goal and Ambitions

        My goal is to be a good and kind person. How to achieve it? think rationally, dont always look on one side,always think of other's ,know your time and place's. But before you think of other's, i will think about my self first because, everything that i do will make changes to me in the future so, for me being alive is a miracle that many doesn't have. So live the way you like while you still can but always think the future.
        My ambitions is to be wise and be free as possible. My strength is being nice to other people and humble. I think the way of life is be good and kind to other people so you can always be trusted by people around you, find good people that you can trust so you can always depend's on them.

Minggu, 19 Juli 2020

Dialogue sugesstion And Offer

Theme : Student's President Election

one day two student are having a talk in the canteen

J  :  Hi!! how are you doing?
B :  I'm good,how about you?
J  :  I am very good.Did you know that student president election is next mont?
B :  What,How did you know?
J  :  I am part of the OSIS, of course i know silly.
B :  Hehehe, I suggest you be the president.
J  :  Why me?
B :  Because you're my friend and i support you.
J  :  Thank you, do you want to be my campaign manager?
B :  I would love too. Well it seems the bell is ringing we should get to class.
J  :  You're right lets go.
B :  Right behind you.